Rodney Everett
i could never speak like generations ago
and tell you it was all true
but sleep easy knowing it was no lie
babies were born
and the river flowed along as ever
but the crooked would cast your eyes away
you were designed to rest
to sleep
to dream
do not allow the most unnatural
to steer your gaze
to close your eyes
join hand in hand with brother and sisters
seven generations will see what you see
consider what they know
May 2
Sarain Frank Soonias
is a Cree/Anishnaabe writer residing in Vancouver, Canada. Sarain’s poetry is inspired by his evolving relationship with (de)colonization, trauma, love and healing. Poems from his initial collection, ALL WRONG HORSES ON FIRE THAT GO AWAY AWAY IN THE RAIN, have been featured in The Temz Review and will appear in forthcoming issues of Carousel Magazine and The Queens Quarterly.