A Simpler Patter
Tusk—waddle—storytelling over dinnertime—dew of the foot when the sock slips off—in the waters off naughty dorset—boy in arms vers boy—hair coarse—tortoiseclaw, enamel, a sublatent sense of shame—beachy foreskin stretch over inner thigh—spittle to give succour to underthroat—tinnitus, rhododendron, idleness as body's caulking—seadoo surfers on Grindr—what of us gathered around logs—around prime fires waving our beforeceps—Gardevoir, anhedonia—a sheet of plastic peels up—sadder avant the curve—shallow for a mile until it declines—
Seek words for the feeling of—mirror—weaning—siloed apart, dry heave, lizardlike—a crush that's fit to burst—the bruise—mercenary, oli-light, amniotic sac—magnet-rounded with cindervines—but for the blue on blue—sunrise, low tide, vicissitudes—it breaches me—fire ant colonies on Gibraltar—red luna—from the bowels of the soul—no easy boy to call kin—driftwood, spine, augmentation—an oil-man's empty gas tank—father gone—drum—mother back at three—love ya—a simpler patter—two branches bend—fruit falls to the ground—baby—che vuoi?—
December 3,
Fan Wu
Fan Wu is a tireless fantasist in the shape of a communicating vessel. You can read his writing online at Koffler Digital, baest, MICE, and C Magazine. Please get in touch with him for fun or philosophy at fanwu2@gmail.com.