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Shayda Kafai in conversation with Zena Sharman

Shayda Kafai, author of Crip Kinship, and Zena Sharman, author of The Care We Dream Of, discuss how disability justice is foundational to combating legacies of cis-heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, classism and capitalism in LGBTQ+ health and crip cultural productions. 

ASL and CART services are available for this event.

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Crip Kinship explores the art activism of Sins Invalid, a San Francisco Bay Area-based performance project, and its radical imaginings of what disabled, queer, trans and gender-nonconforming bodyminds of color can do: how they can rewrite oppression, and how they can gift us with transformational lessons for our collective survival. Grounded in the disability justice framework, Crip Kinship investigates the revolutionary survival teachings that disabled, queer of color community offers to all our bodyminds.

The Care We Dream Of is not quite an essay collection, and not quite an anthology. Instead, it's a hybrid kind of book that weaves together the author's essays on topics like queering health and healing, transforming the health system, kinship, aging and death, alongside stories, poetry and non-fiction pieces by a diverse group of LGBTQ+ writers including Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Kai Cheng Thom, Jillian Christmas, jaye simpson, Carly Boyce, Sand Chang, Blyth Barnow and Joshua Wales. 


Shayda Kafai (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies in the Ethnic and Women’s Studies department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. As a queer, disabled, Mad femme of colour, she commits to practicing the many ways we can reclaim our bodyminds from systems of oppression. To support this work as an educator-scholar, Kafai applies disability justice and collective care practices in the spaces she cultivates. Crip Kinship is her first book.

Zena Sharman is a writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate. She’s the author of three books, including The Care We Dream Of: Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health. Sharman edited the Lambda Literary award-winning anthologyThe Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care. She’s also an engaging speaker who brings her passion for LGBTQ+ health to audiences of health care providers, students and community members at universities and conferences across North America.